only when you need to. Work

 How sex is related to longevity is a mystery, but reduced stress levels can be a direct example of this. Having a healthy relationship with the one you have a sexual relationship adds more to life.

6.    Vegetarians live longer

Vegetarian people have fewer bad fats, lower weight, and more antioxidants in their body. These are three reasons news enough to increase life expectancy.

If you’re not a vegetarian that eats a lot of junk food, you can enhance life expectancy. Vegan diets are better as they don’t include animal products like cream and cheese.

People who consume lots of veggies and fruits have high levels of antioxidants in their body. This fights to age and quickly heals the body of any type of damage.

7.    Regular check-ups

Going through a regular check-up is a smart way to stay fit and healthy. You definitely won’t like to do pay long bills or have your organs scrutinized, but it is pretty effective.

Medical tests help treat diseases quickly and extend life. However, it is challenging to figure out what test you need. So following up with a doctor regularly is best.

8.    Reduce technological use

Being in front of a TV, computer, or cellphone is linked to shocks, poor eyesight, and emotional impacts. They make your life sedentary and bind you to it. People tend to become antisocial or grow social awkwardness.

You should try and reduce using a gadget only when you need to. Work is important but excessive leisure is not. You must exercise, read books, have a hobby, and keep yourself occupied in your free time.

9.    Avoid risks

You can protect your life if you don’t smoke or drink. If you call in diseases by having unhealthy habits, they will reduce your life expectancy more than what you assumed. Bad habits bring in diseases and the possibility of early death. Moreover, painful death is what none of us want to experience.

Other than smoking and drinking regularly, you must also maintain a healthy diet and have a good lifestyle. Making such alterations will help you live long and happy.

10. Stay peaceful

It is extremely difficult to find your inner peace and maintain it in a big bad world. Life is unfair and people are mean to us. Most of us come across at least one bad thing that people do and upset us. For example, getting rejected from a cab driver to get a drop back home to being cheated on by a colleague, all give us a different level of agony. We need to figure out ways to not care or quickly move on and look out for the better things 


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